A Dining Experience with not just the Day Light & Natural Shadows but also with the play of Artificial Evening Lights and the cool ambient outdoors sums up the aesthetic of this space. The feeling of having melodious subtle music equally ranging throughout the space adds up to sound dynamics of this beautiful restaurant..
Having said that, its outdoor space during the evening has been setup with dual lighting system which can be switched according to the mood on just one tap! All Automatic feels privileged to have such a project under its portfolio of Automation!
Under the Neem Tree embraces a truly harmonious experience by seamlessly blending their audio system with the HVAC infrastructure. With careful consideration given to the placement of air conditioning units and speakers, the restaurant achieves a perfect equilibrium between sound quality and temperature control. Patrons can relish in the delight of exceptional audio while basking in optimal comfort, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience that harmonizes both the senses and the atmosphere.